How to promote your MYM / Onlyfans account while remaining anonymous

If you want to learn how to promote your MYM and OnlyFans account without showing your face or remaining anonymous - read on.

Is it really possible to make a lot of money on MYM and Onlyfans without promotion on social networks ?

The answer is yes.

Be aware, however, that it will be more difficult to promote your OnlyFans if you don't promote your page on multiple social media platforms.

So ask yourself why you don't want to promote on social media?

In 99 % of cases, it is because models want to remain anonymous, especially to their friends and family.

However, we know from experience that if you create a new online identity for OnlyFans or MYM - the chances of someone in your real life finding your content online are about the same as if you only promote on OnlyFans or MYM (with Shoutouts) and don't promote on social media at all.

It is also possible to earn money on OnlyFans and MYM without showing your face.

Your new online identity will have completely new private social media accounts... separate from your personal life.

And like I said before - it will be much harder to get more MYM and Onlyfans subscribers without promoting on social media.



If you use social media, you still want to keep that activity separate from your "real life" social media.

That's why you need to create a "stage name," a new email address, and new (private) social media accounts on all popular platforms:


It is best to have the same username (your "screen name") on all platforms if possible.

Each platform has different requirements for its username and some usernames are already taken.

Use to check the availability of a username on multiple platforms at the same time (except Snapchat and Reddit, which you must check yourself).

*** To separate a new email account (and any new phone numbers) from your privacy, DO NOT sync your phone or email contacts when prompted.

Some other tips to consider when creating your new online persona:

  • Do not use your real name
  • Use a brand new email address
  • Block your close friends and family


onlyfans mym reddit

If you're trying to stay off social media and promote your MYM or Onlyfans anonymously, Reddit is the number one platform you should focus on.

Whether you show your face or not, Reddit is THE best platform to promote your OnlyFans.

Let me repeat - you don't need to show your face on Reddit.

Is it more difficult if you don't show your face? Yes.

Reddit is the 5th most popular mobile social networking application in the United States.

It received more than 1.6 billion unique visitors from February 2018 to April 2019.

Reddit has pre-built communities for your niche.

Unlike IG, Twitter, Snap, etc. the competition from other OnlyFans models on Reddit is much weaker because most models simply don't know how to use Reddit.

Reddit can seem really scary and complicated at first.

But it's really not that hard, OnlyFans' promotion on Reddit boils down to:

  • Find popular subreddits in your niche
  • Publish content (mainly teasers)
  • Link your OnlyFans to your Reddit profile.
  • ????????????



Another good way to increase your privacy is to use the "Geoblocking" feature of OnlyFans or MYM.

With this feature, you can prevent entire countries from accessing your MYM account.

If you are from France... you may want to avoid this feature as France is the largest market in the world for MYM subscriptions.

But if you are from... let's say... Belgium!

So it might be a good idea to block all of Belgium from your OnlyFans / MYM page - which means that your friends, family and anyone else in Belgium can't access your OnlyFans page, even if they find it.

To use Geoblocking :

  • Go to the settings
  • IP and Geo-blocking
  • Choose the countries you want to block and click Save.

Is Geoblocking effective at 100%?

No, it's true that a sneaky person could use a VPN to bypass geo-blocking, but they would have to be very determined to get to your page.


The only real way to promote MYM and OnlyFans without social media (ANY social media) is to use Shoutouts.

An S4S (Shoutout For Shoutout) means that you and another MYM or OnlyFans model post each other's photos and page link on your own page - so your subscribers can see each other.

This way, you can both get exposure - without having to post on social media.

There is already a market of paying customers on the OnlyFans and MYM platforms.

What you need to do is put your page in front of their eyes.

The only way to do this without promoting on social media is to promote on the OnlyFans / MYM. platform itself.

No one is going to subscribe to your account without some sort of preview.

That's why you will need to have 2 MYM / Onlyfans accounts.

1 free account (this is your "preview").
And 1 paying account.
You can link these two accounts in the settings.



Find more templates for S4S and paid shoutouts. Here are some examples to find templates:

Find S4S groups on Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, etc.

Use this subreddit to find other models in your niche who want to do S4S.

You can also contact OnlyFans free accounts and request a paid S4S or shout.

If you want to avoid groups and contacts on social media platforms, you can instead find popular and free OnlyFans pages in your niche.

You can contact these pages and ask if they do Shoutout For Shoutout (S4S) or if they offer a paid shoutout service.

Why free pages? You can send messages to free accounts once you have subscribed to these pages, which is free.

The best option, if you have the money, is to get paid posts from pages that have a large number of followers so you can grow your page FAST.

This is also the best option for complete beginners, as S4S services and templates usually want you to have a decent number of followers first, which is understandable.

You should only pay for a shoutout if the page has over 2,000 followers.

If you don't have the money to promote your page, the next best option is to request S4S from accounts with 1-5,000 followers.


We hope this guide has helped you understand how to promote OnlyFans and MYM without social media.

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