Comment vendre des photos de ses pieds (Guide Complet 2025)
If you have pretty feet, then you could be onto a fortune... literally.
In this article, I will show you the best ways to earn money by selling pictures of your feet.
But that's not all. I will also show you how to transform this secondary source of income into a real business.
In fact, people use these same strategies to acquire hundreds of new customers and generate thousands of euros each month by selling images of feet.
Let's get started!

I'm sure the first time you heard that people were making money selling pictures of feet, you didn't believe it. But after thinking about it, it's not even hard to imagine, given the popularity of feet.
One study found that 10 % people have a foot fetish. It's not surprising that people want to buy pictures of beautiful feet. But there are many other reasons why people would want to buy foot photos.
Foot images are used by marketers and digital publishers to illustrate products. Podiatrists (foot doctors) use foot photos to describe medical conditions. Not to mention that modeling agencies are always looking for new talent.
And selling foot photos can be lucrative. For example a woman earns 70,000 a year selling photos of feet (and not only on fetish sites), and there are many others like her. It is possible to earn a lot of money selling pictures of your feet.
You are now asking yourself how you can start selling your foot photos ? It's a good time.
We spent over 30 hours researching to bring you the most comprehensive article on how to sell foot photos. Not only will you learn the best places to sell footage, but we'll also show you how to best receive payment, and how to build a business around it.
The best application to sell photos of your feet
MYM Fans is a content service where people can charge for their private photos, either individually or by subscription. It is a sort of paid Instagram account.
MYM Fans is by far the best option for a recurring income by selling photos of your feet.
The monthly subscription fees you can charge are from 9.99€ to 49.99€.
As for the private photos that you can make at the request of your subscribers, there is no limit, you can charge as much as you want.
- L'huge advantage of MYM Fans is that the payment processing system is integrated into the application. This eliminates the need for a third-party billing service.
- The second benefitYou will benefit from the popularity of the platform and will not have to worry about whether to send the photo before or after payment. Your buyers will be reassured because they will know that after payment, they will have access to your photo/catalog.
- The third advantageBy using this platform, MYM Fans users (more than 150,000) will be able to discover your profile without you even having to promote it. (although we advise you to do so, and we will explain how in this article).
Before going any further, we invite you to create an account on MYM Fans. By registering with the following link you will benefit from our Registration Bonus.
How to find buyers for your foot photos
1. Sell your foot photos with Instagram
Instagram is primarily a photo sharing app and social media platform. The platform allows people to edit and upload photos. Since Instagram is a very visual social platform, it is perfect for displaying your foot photos to potential customers.
Start by putting the link of your MYM Fans profile in your description, and briefly explain that you sell pictures of your feet. Also post some pictures regularly on your feed. Now all you have to do is get followers and customers!
The best way to get followers on Instagram
When you're just starting out, the best way to get followers is to steal followers from your competitors. Search for others who sell foot photos so you can target their followers and potential customers. When you type in the search, the results "foot photos" will automatically appear with the usernames.
Start with the top result as the auto search features suggest the most popular results based on your search query. Select the top account that sells foot photos. Once you are on the profile, click on the people who follow it.
Click on the follower's profile and see if they are active. If they are newly active, follow them and send them a message letting them know that you are also selling foot photos. Be sure to include your MYM Fans link in your message so they can access it directly.
Hashtags to sell photos of feet on Instagram
Foot photos on Instagram are extremely popular. There are 634,000 posts that use #pied. You can also use US hashtags to increase your visibility.
#Feet - 13.9 million posts
#PrettyFeet - 3.1 million posts
#BeautifulFeet - 1.5 million posts
#FeetWorship - 1.4 million posts
#PerfectFeet - 1.3 million posts
#FeetLovers - 1.1 million posts
These are just some of the hashtags you can start using to gain followers.
2. Sell your foot photos with Facebook
Facebook is the largest social media network in the world, with over 2.2 billion monthly active users. If you sell foot photos, chances are you can connect with your target audience through Facebook.
Create a business page on Facebook
Don't even think about selling foot photos using a personal profile. Selling foot photos is a business (and you should start thinking of it that way), so create a business page. A business page gives you access to analytical data that can help you get more customers.
So be sure to fill out the necessary business information so people know you're legit. Make sure the MYM Fans page name and your email address are clearly visible so customers can contact you.
Once everything is filled in, start posting content - photos, videos or status updates. Fresh, new content on your page will make it more appealing to potential customers who view it.
You can create a Facebook group. But the problem we see with a group is that it facilitates discussion between members. Your goal is to have conversations with them and get them to buy more photos, not to talk about other places they can buy foot photos.
How to gain fans on your Facebook page
Go to the pages of other foot photo sellers, or join their groups and start sending messages to their members. To join groups, you should probably create a fake profile. Different foot photo sellers may not want competitors to join their groups, and for good reason.
In your posts, encourage potential customers to like your page and visit your MYM Fans page.

3. Sell your foot photos with Twitter
Twitter is primarily a communication platform used to follow people through statuses. What makes Twitter unique is that the vast majority of its users are affluent millennials who earn $75,000 or more per year.
So chances are, the customers you attract on Twitter have deep pockets.
Increase your followers on Twitter
The way you can use Twitter to grow your footage sales is to increase your followers. Unlike Instagram or Facebook, Twitter is not a visual platform. Therefore, the best use of Twitter is to gain followers to channel them to your MYM Fans page.
Your Twitter strategy should focus on the content you create, post and distribute to engage your followers. Any content you create should be aimed at attracting new followers, encouraging leads and building your brand.
For starters, when posting content, be sure to use hashtags, such as #photosoffeet #FeetPics. This will increase the chances of your post getting circulated and seen by potential customers.
Follow other foot photo sellers and take note of their active followers, who are probably paying customers. Most of the activity can be seen in the comments of their posts. Take the time to follow these commenters and send them a message to let them know that you also sell foot photos.
Once they respond, close the sale. Send them your MYM Fans link to convert them.
4. Sell your foot photos with Snapchat
Snapchat is a photo and video sharing social media platform that focuses on short video messages. Snap users tend to be younger, but the demographic is quickly expanding to an older (and male) audience. Good news for you, as men are the most frequent buyers of footage.
Use a public Snap account to sell your premium content
The downside of having a private Snap account is that no one can find you. That's where having a public Snap account comes in.
You can use your public account to direct potential customers to your paid offer. The best way to do this is to attract visitors by posting frequently on Snap. Since your photos and videos disappear after 24 hours, you need to stay engaged and post content constantly.
Find your competitors, see who comments on their photos and send them messages. Look at your competitors' followers and let them know about your premium account. Once you've piqued someone's interest, close the sale by sharing your MYM page with them.
Know that you're going to have to stay engaged on Snap if you want to succeed.
4. Sell your foot pictures with TikTok
TikTok is a social media platform specializing in sharing short videos. The application allows users to create, edit and share 15-second videos with filters, music and special effects.
With over 800 million active users worldwide, TikTok can be a huge opportunity for you to advertise your foot photos. Once you create your account, you can create short and entertaining videos advertising your feet.
The more engaging and entertaining your videos are, the more views and leads you will get.
When potential customers see that you sell foot photos, they will click on your profile. Place your MYM Fans link on your profile. Make sure it is clear that they can visit your page to get your foot photos.
How much to sell your footage?
The average selling price of foot photos online varies between 10 and 25 euros per photo. The price depends on the number of feet in the photo, and may increase if the feet perform a requested act.
Newcomers to the industry may consider charging 5 Euros initially to reduce competition, attract customers and generate interest. Once you have built your customer base, raise your prices.
Do we have to pay taxes to sell foot photos?
Yes, you will have to pay taxes when selling foot photos. This income is considered business income and must be reported as such. As a small online business selling foot photos, you can operate as a self-employed entrepreneur and your income will be taxed as self-employment.
Is it legal to sell pictures of your feet?
Yes, selling pictures of your feet is perfectly legal. Assuming you own the copyright to the images, there is nothing illegal about selling photos of feet. Just make sure that the photos are: (1) of consenting adults and sold to consenting adults and (2) free of any content that could be considered "obscene.
If implemented correctly, the above tips should give you a solid foundation to start the process of selling footage.
Just keep in mind to treat this like a business and think strategically with every action you take. If you do, you'll be overtaking your competitors in no time.